A consequence of this job is it's contradictory way of isolating you from society, while forcing you to blend into it at the same time.
I've been working non-stop for days now in the scorching heat wave of summer and I just realized before writing this post that I have had only one face to face conversation with another human in the past 4 days, not including a sales person at the mall. Actually, that's probably why he was able to upsell me on glass cleaner which I didn't need at all. It was sort of like my way of thanking him for reassuring me that I did in fact, still exist.
How in the hell is this affecting my personality? Hard to say I guess...I think all this time spent alone could be either really good or really bad. Definitely talking to myself more, in fact, before this solitary confinement streak even began, my roommate asked me who I was talking to while I was alone in my room. I had no choice but to lie and told her the dog.
Who really needs human contact anymore anyways? It's during times like these that my iPhone is my best friend.
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